Monday, March 12, 2018

How to Make America Great Again

The United States is consistently being ranked below other countries in areas like healthcare, paid leave, parental supports and so on, while being ranked way up there in income inequality, poor maternal outcomes, gun violence, incarceration and other things that are, simply put, not so good.  I keep seeing people calling us the greatest nation and wanting to "Make America Great Again!!!" (tm).  I'm also seeing these very same people trashing the other countries who are having better outcomes than we are and saying things like, "We don't want to be like Europe!" and "That won't work here in 'Murica!"

Now, let's take a look back at our history, shall we?  What made our country what it is?  What made it strong?  What made us reach the lofty heights that we have?  We took what worked and tossed the rest, very literally in fact.  The United States is built from people from all over the world coming here (or being forcibly brought here) with all their different backgrounds, beliefs, cultures and ideals and then tossing all of that in a blender and turning it on high.  We came from a mixing pot of races, creeds, ideals, you name it.  America took what worked and left what didn't.  That is how we succeeded historically.

How (and why) did we go from that beautiful place of strength to "EHRMERGERD!  If it works elsewhere super well then we HAVE to NOT do it here no matter what!!!" (with a side of "Immigrants BAD!!!").  Exactly what is stopping us from analyzing what works where it does work and then adapting that for use in the United States?  Better yet, why aren't we doing that, adding a big dash of the "American Way," and then doing it better than the place(s) we borrow the concepts from?  Why can't we take what they are doing well and do it better?  Isn't that what America is about?  When did we turn from world leaders into weaklings too afraid to face our own faults?  Are we so ashamed that we have allowed ourselves to fall so far behind the rest of the world that we'd rather allow places in America, like Alabama, to exist at third world levels than to pull ourselves up out of the mess we've made for ourselves by copying and improving on already proven models and make America truly great again?

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