Thursday, November 10, 2011

Moments in my life

A moment from my strange and beautiful life: In Spanish class today a word came up the started with the sound "poop." Wolf, being seven, giggled and repeated it several times Beavis and Butthead style. The teacher turns to him and says, "And it's moments like this that remind us how old you actually are." His classmates are 13 and 14. Another moment: Watching Vietnam in HD on History I pointed out to Brendan, my war and gun obsessed little guy, that each of those men that died were someone's sons. That there were mommies out there that never got to see their little boys again. It hit him that moment, just what that meant, how much it would hurt to be left behind. He cried through most of the show, although he insisted we watch it. He is so intuitive, so sensitive.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

It's been a long time since I've written anything here. That's what happens when you have a Wyld Life I guess. So to catch everyone up since the last time I posted: My broken foot healed without surgery. I started writing articles on paganism for I generally write a couple a month. If you are interested please feel free to subscribe at I tried a new moderation style at a new forum that ended up with almost no traffic after a gigantic troll explosion. I stopped working at the forums at due to inappropriate behavior on the part of both the owner and several of the other moderators. Wolf has a green belt in Ho Kuk Mu Sul and is now in third grade working anywhere from there through middle school level depending on the subject. He is also now a Bear in Cub Scouts. Bear has been through MORE assessments and we still don't know what's going on with him. We do know that he still isn't potty trained yet! I wrote another book through National Novel Writing Month, so did Wolf. I've been working hard to get an agent for it, but no luck yet. I'm still hard at work (when I find the time) on my now epic fantasy novel. Wolf and I both stood up for what we believe in by posting at Occupy Education. Dragon's store is still up and running and our old house still hasn't sold, but we had to spend over a hundred man hours repairing and cleaning after we were forced to kick out the people who were supposed to be care taking it. Hmmm... I think that's about it.

