Thursday, November 10, 2011

Moments in my life

A moment from my strange and beautiful life: In Spanish class today a word came up the started with the sound "poop." Wolf, being seven, giggled and repeated it several times Beavis and Butthead style. The teacher turns to him and says, "And it's moments like this that remind us how old you actually are." His classmates are 13 and 14. Another moment: Watching Vietnam in HD on History I pointed out to Brendan, my war and gun obsessed little guy, that each of those men that died were someone's sons. That there were mommies out there that never got to see their little boys again. It hit him that moment, just what that meant, how much it would hurt to be left behind. He cried through most of the show, although he insisted we watch it. He is so intuitive, so sensitive.

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