Tuesday, October 13, 2009

An Introduction

So many interesting things happen in our lives that we would like to share with our close friends and family that I have decided to start a family blog to do just that.  Since this is online I will avoid any obviously recognizable personal information, but you should figure out who is who pretty easily.

I am Wyldkat, mom, independent studies teacher, artist, daycare provider, author, minister, general contractor, craftsperson, interior designer, cub scout den leader and general all around jack of all trades. 

Dragon owns his own business, a game store, in a nearby town.  He is very dedicated to it and even with all of the economic problems it has stayed afloat even if it has been close.  He is also a great dad who takes mornings and evenings with the boys to allow me to retain some of my sanity.

Wolf recently turned 5 and started 1st grade.  That one tends to throw people a bit, but a grade skip was the best accommodation we could come up with for him since he was assessed at the beginning of 3rd in math, mid to late 2nd for reading and mid first for most everything else.  That was when he was 4.  He is currently in an Independent Study Program in a neighboring school district.  To find the a place where he would be accepted for who he is took a year of hard work and an interdistrict transfer, but he is happy and thriving now.

Our baby Bear is 2 1/2 and the most intense child I have ever worked with.  For a very long time he had horrible tantrums that would last for an hour or more.  They got better after we tried chiropractic with him, but he is still very much a child of extremes.  He is either the happiest, cutest child on earth or the most miserable.  He is also very sensitive to changes.  In addition to that he has almost his brother's vocabulary and can already count and understand number values up to at least 5.    It makes like interesting to say the least.

We also share our lives with an old diabetic cat,  three little dogs (if you combine them they almost make a whole dog!), a rat, lots of fish and a turtle.  There are also the deer, raccoons, and gophers, but we try to keep them out of the house.

Well, that is us in a nutshell.  

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